"A solid and powerful pay workforce reporting tool that fills a gap within the financial analysis of payroll"
"Has the pay journaling functionality we have missed for some years"
"Potential for quick and detailed pay modelling for workforce planning" eg removal of cost of living supplements"
"Payroll and Management Accounts have access to the same data, has reduced the number of queries between the departments"
Andrew Moroz Head of Management Accounts, North Bristol NHS Trust talking about ESRPayView
"Does what it says - makes ESR easy to view pay.
After the 1st month of use the team said that it would save at least four man days a month in payroll checking time (for a 4,000 Payroll) and the checking completed would be more accurate.
The reports that can be obtained from the system are amazing and instant.
The P35 Reconciliation report came into its own in the first month. We knew the payroll did not balance but we did not know which record. ESRPayView provided the information immediately.
The department has now been able to provide information to its consortium members on details of all elements being paid, the total value and who is being paid them. They can now review all levels of payments being made to staff.
ESRPayView has enabled the department to prove that it was not paying an incorrect element to staff after an overpayment was found where an employee had been set-up with the wrong element.
We also had an issue with Pension Tiering and asked Meantime if they could identify all staff who had a change of pay band or pension contributions. In an hour and a half we had a new report to do just this so that we can confirm correct pension contributions are being deducted
ESRPayview is enabling Kent and Medway NHS Payroll Services to unlock the data being held in ESR in a quick and instant way which it could not previously do in ESR, as well as providing this information to payroll, the Consortium HR and Finance teams can also see a number of benefits and will be able to resolve queries and provide more information without contacting KMPS.
In the current economic climate where money is short, the system will enable the department to make savings and therefore reduce its overall costs to the consortium members and provide an improved more accurate payroll."
David Pickworth Strategy Manager, Kent and Medway NHS Payroll Services
"We have implemented ESRPayView from Meantime. The implementation was seamless and pain free and the after sales service has been excellent. The systems provides a great deal of information in a very user friendly manner.
I would recommend it to any ESR user."
Nina Phillips Assistant Director of Finance
Financial Management, North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

"Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have been using Meantime Systems' Employee Archive System (EAS) since February 2007 and have found the system to be easily accessible and user friendly. The service we get from the team at Meantime is outstanding and as such we have decided to look at other systems which Meantime are able to offer."
Clare Peatfield MIPPdip Payroll & Pensions Manager
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
