Meantime Systems specialise in products and services covering all aspects of Payroll and Human Resource Management. These are areas which often lead to a strain on organisations in terms of both finance and manpower. We place great emphasis on the development of easy to use, cost effective software with swift and seamless implementations followed up with our comprehensive support service.

Our clients include organisations employing staff ranging from small to several thousand staff and encompassing a wide variety of employee groups. Over the years we have developed excellent customer relations of which we are justifiably proud.

Meantime have been providing temporary staffing and data archive solutions to the NHS since early 2000.

ESRPayView helps Payroll, Finance and Workforce Planning to get the most out of your payroll data. Importing details from existing files generated by ESR, we give you instant access to your payslip information for individuals, and our powerful reports allow you to view costs across the Trust and drill down through your organisational or account hierarchy to individuals' details. As well as a host of standard reports you can build your own library of bespoke reports pulling together information from all parts of the system.